Yesterday i did indoor ...40min pliometrics then 10min laps and 10x1lap full,
including 1 crash... Hehe nô pain .
In thé mornig I was short tracking 6x5laps...
Today 1h inline in the rain ... Getting in the tempo.
Thanks again to all nice message I receive.
now call me Coach athlete life is done and i've made all the possible mistake as athlete to be able to coach for greater results. inline results: 8 x world champion sprint. ice result: 1000m national record
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
HERE IS A COOL BLOG from a friend from germany
you can also find the link in my link part
you can also find the link in my link part
thanks to all your nice message on facebook
Pascal Briand I m going to Vancouver juhuuuuuuuHier, à 15:52 via Facebook pour iPhone · Commenter ·J’aimeJe n’aime plusDaniel Zschätzsch, Sébastien Brochard, Magne Bringsverd et 49 autres personnes aiment ça.
Pierre Sohier Good job mec!
Hier, à 15:56 · Danielle van Renselaar Lucky you! =D
Hier, à 16:00 · Erik Pasman Congratulations! See you there!
Hier, à 16:03 · Mathilde Renou congrats....;))
Hier, à 16:06 · Sathya Moorthy congrats pascal... following ur blog for the past 6months good to see u in vancouver.... all the best..
Hier, à 16:09 · Matthieu Boher Félicitation. Cool pr toi
Hier, à 16:10 · Jan Caflisch nice! happy for you!
Hier, à 16:12 · Jagrut THAKER félicitations!!
Hier, à 16:14 · Edwin Visser Good luck over there :)
Hier, à 16:15 · Gerrit van Keulen goied gedaan jochie....veel succ6 daar!!
Hier, à 16:25 · Pierre Goriau Salut pascal, je suis ravi!!! je ferai tout mon possible pour l'aide de financement (hors fédé)!!!
Hier, à 16:26 · Andrew Yungé Gordon Good luck and all the very best, Pascal.
Hier, à 16:38 · Vincent Morvan bien joué..
Hier, à 16:43 · Jean-marc Djian La classe! Tu vas t eclater chez les canucks!
Hier, à 16:51 · Thomas Guillouet super content pour toi ! eclate toi bien, et je suis sur que tu nous representeras au mieux.
Hier, à 17:06 · Thierry Forler Trop cooooooool mon ami, tu le mérites amplement. Ton rêve se réalise enfin, je partage ton bonheur mais maintenant, tu vas pouvoir tout donner, toi le Grand Champion que tu es.
Je te souhaite que du bonheur.^^
Hier, à 17:16 · Anthony Averty Génial ! Tes efforts et sacrifices sont récompensés !
Hier, à 17:38 · Hubert Youb Solo Maniabal super bonne nouvelle tout ca . trop content apres tout le travail acompli enfin la cerise sur le gateau
tchussss youb
Hier, à 17:46 · Nadine Benz Congratulations and good luck!! Enjoy this great event and the "olympic spirit"!
Hier, à 18:04 · Juliette Pouydebat Félicitation, qualif' méritée :-)
Hier, à 18:13 · Raynald Quetier felicitation a un des precurseur de la mutation roller vers glace eclate toi bien les plus belle aventure d un sportif je t envis
Hier, à 18:24 · Julien Momont Félicitations Pascal !
Hier, à 18:27 · Cédric Le Guen Super! sur quelle distance? c'est cool vous serez donc deux à représenter la France
Hier, à 19:22 · Renan Le Houerff Super, bravo, tu le mérite largement, la France va être bien représentée!!!
Hier, à 19:44 · Anne-Claire Meheust excellent bravo!!!!!!!! on va tous t'encourager!! gros bisous
Hier, à 19:52 · Laure Leblanc Deschamps ouahhhh, ça y est! respire et profite! bravo!
Hier, à 19:58 · Maisonneuve Armelle Il n'y a plus qu'a créer un groupe "fan de : pascal briand au JO"
Profite en bien en tous cas ! Le rêve d'une vie de sportif, enfin !!
Hier, à 20:13 · Cathrine Grage WOOOHOOOOO - Congrats PAscal. Cøest super. Tu le m´hérite...A bientôt alors....... Quand est-ce que tu y arrives?
Hier, à 20:24 · Amélie Supiot OUAI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hier, à 20:31 · Kim Luinenburg That's awesome, congrats!! See u in Vancouver!
Hier, à 21:08 · Steven Gallais la classe!! meme si le roller n'est pas encore a la hauteur des j-o ses meilleur athlètes en sont digne et tu peut etre fier dans faire parti, un grand bravo
Hier, à 21:17 · Franck Pindeler well done ;)
Hier, à 21:18 · Daniela Dumitru wow!grate news!congratulation
Hier, à 21:20 · Diederik Hol all the best in Vancouver Pascal!
Hier, à 21:31 · Peter Doucet Super Pascal- Bonne chance à Vancouver.
Hier, à 21:39 · Aurore Schiro Enfin la certitude!!! Good Job cher colocataire (enfin si on peut appeler ça comme ça...)
Hier, à 22:00 · Asier Peña Enhorabuena!!
Hier, à 22:46 · Pascal Briand Thanks everybody u all make me so happy. I wanna share this happiness with u all...
Hier, à 22:49 · Xenia Trier Super Pascal! Bienfait et felicitations!!!! Tu le merite... Et á beinvenu lá - je suis en preparation pour y aller pour vous toutes voir patiner!! Bonne, bonne chance...
Hier, à 22:59 · Loïc Jan let' s jo !
Hier, à 23:09 · Hugo Dallmann Very nice and we know that my friend! All the best for u!
Il y a 12 heures · Jacques Craipeau enorme GG Pascal
Il y a 5 heures · Jessica Poser cool
Il y a 3 heures · Amandine Geslot-grizeau super, on sera tous avec toi.
Il y a 3 heures · Serge Rodriguez allezzzzzz, tous derrière pascal pour qu'il soit brillant aux JO
Il y a 3 heures · Sebastien Babault Félicitation, c largement mériter! bon courage a+
Il y a 2 heures · Marion Aufils Bravo.... Bonne chance, on te suit de près!
il y a environ une heure ·
Pierre Sohier Good job mec!
Hier, à 15:56 · Danielle van Renselaar Lucky you! =D
Hier, à 16:00 · Erik Pasman Congratulations! See you there!
Hier, à 16:03 · Mathilde Renou congrats....;))
Hier, à 16:06 · Sathya Moorthy congrats pascal... following ur blog for the past 6months good to see u in vancouver.... all the best..
Hier, à 16:09 · Matthieu Boher Félicitation. Cool pr toi
Hier, à 16:10 · Jan Caflisch nice! happy for you!
Hier, à 16:12 · Jagrut THAKER félicitations!!
Hier, à 16:14 · Edwin Visser Good luck over there :)
Hier, à 16:15 · Gerrit van Keulen goied gedaan jochie....veel succ6 daar!!
Hier, à 16:25 · Pierre Goriau Salut pascal, je suis ravi!!! je ferai tout mon possible pour l'aide de financement (hors fédé)!!!
Hier, à 16:26 · Andrew Yungé Gordon Good luck and all the very best, Pascal.
Hier, à 16:38 · Vincent Morvan bien joué..
Hier, à 16:43 · Jean-marc Djian La classe! Tu vas t eclater chez les canucks!
Hier, à 16:51 · Thomas Guillouet super content pour toi ! eclate toi bien, et je suis sur que tu nous representeras au mieux.
Hier, à 17:06 · Thierry Forler Trop cooooooool mon ami, tu le mérites amplement. Ton rêve se réalise enfin, je partage ton bonheur mais maintenant, tu vas pouvoir tout donner, toi le Grand Champion que tu es.
Je te souhaite que du bonheur.^^
Hier, à 17:16 · Anthony Averty Génial ! Tes efforts et sacrifices sont récompensés !
Hier, à 17:38 · Hubert Youb Solo Maniabal super bonne nouvelle tout ca . trop content apres tout le travail acompli enfin la cerise sur le gateau
tchussss youb
Hier, à 17:46 · Nadine Benz Congratulations and good luck!! Enjoy this great event and the "olympic spirit"!
Hier, à 18:04 · Juliette Pouydebat Félicitation, qualif' méritée :-)
Hier, à 18:13 · Raynald Quetier felicitation a un des precurseur de la mutation roller vers glace eclate toi bien les plus belle aventure d un sportif je t envis
Hier, à 18:24 · Julien Momont Félicitations Pascal !
Hier, à 18:27 · Cédric Le Guen Super! sur quelle distance? c'est cool vous serez donc deux à représenter la France
Hier, à 19:22 · Renan Le Houerff Super, bravo, tu le mérite largement, la France va être bien représentée!!!
Hier, à 19:44 · Anne-Claire Meheust excellent bravo!!!!!!!! on va tous t'encourager!! gros bisous
Hier, à 19:52 · Laure Leblanc Deschamps ouahhhh, ça y est! respire et profite! bravo!
Hier, à 19:58 · Maisonneuve Armelle Il n'y a plus qu'a créer un groupe "fan de : pascal briand au JO"
Profite en bien en tous cas ! Le rêve d'une vie de sportif, enfin !!
Hier, à 20:13 · Cathrine Grage WOOOHOOOOO - Congrats PAscal. Cøest super. Tu le m´hérite...A bientôt alors....... Quand est-ce que tu y arrives?
Hier, à 20:24 · Amélie Supiot OUAI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hier, à 20:31 · Kim Luinenburg That's awesome, congrats!! See u in Vancouver!
Hier, à 21:08 · Steven Gallais la classe!! meme si le roller n'est pas encore a la hauteur des j-o ses meilleur athlètes en sont digne et tu peut etre fier dans faire parti, un grand bravo
Hier, à 21:17 · Franck Pindeler well done ;)
Hier, à 21:18 · Daniela Dumitru wow!grate news!congratulation
Hier, à 21:20 · Diederik Hol all the best in Vancouver Pascal!
Hier, à 21:31 · Peter Doucet Super Pascal- Bonne chance à Vancouver.
Hier, à 21:39 · Aurore Schiro Enfin la certitude!!! Good Job cher colocataire (enfin si on peut appeler ça comme ça...)
Hier, à 22:00 · Asier Peña Enhorabuena!!
Hier, à 22:46 · Pascal Briand Thanks everybody u all make me so happy. I wanna share this happiness with u all...
Hier, à 22:49 · Xenia Trier Super Pascal! Bienfait et felicitations!!!! Tu le merite... Et á beinvenu lá - je suis en preparation pour y aller pour vous toutes voir patiner!! Bonne, bonne chance...
Hier, à 22:59 · Loïc Jan let' s jo !
Hier, à 23:09 · Hugo Dallmann Very nice and we know that my friend! All the best for u!
Il y a 12 heures · Jacques Craipeau enorme GG Pascal
Il y a 5 heures · Jessica Poser cool
Il y a 3 heures · Amandine Geslot-grizeau super, on sera tous avec toi.
Il y a 3 heures · Serge Rodriguez allezzzzzz, tous derrière pascal pour qu'il soit brillant aux JO
Il y a 3 heures · Sebastien Babault Félicitation, c largement mériter! bon courage a+
Il y a 2 heures · Marion Aufils Bravo.... Bonne chance, on te suit de près!
il y a environ une heure ·
i will be in vancouver ...feel so good
and yesterday i finally learn i will be in is such a great news for me , i m so thankfull to everybody that helped me so far...i will make message for all soon but now i m still under the CHOCK news...i enjoy it full...i enjoy every second of my training full...
5 years i m training for this...going is a dream and a all my focus will go on doing my best there...that is why now i m training so hard on inline and short track...using the training tools that make me as strong as possible
5 years i m training for this...going is a dream and a all my focus will go on doing my best there...that is why now i m training so hard on inline and short track...using the training tools that make me as strong as possible
Monday, January 25, 2010
1 day to wait
so tomorow zill be THE answer....after 5 years of work in personal investment for it...i just need 24h to know the answer way is too still focus on training.
yesterday i bike 2h30 and i did 6x5lap in short track.
saturday 1H inline in the rain with tomy , gary and sara...was really good. focus on sitting super low, put pressure and long push.
yesterday i bike 2h30 and i did 6x5lap in short track.
saturday 1H inline in the rain with tomy , gary and sara...was really good. focus on sitting super low, put pressure and long push.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
training, waiting
Sunday, January 17, 2010
9 days to wait...and even more to prepare i hope
in 9 days i know if i go to the games....
but now, i keep my focus on training, next week in france for lot of inline and biking. short track will be my technical part...
but now, i keep my focus on training, next week in france for lot of inline and biking. short track will be my technical part...
japan day 2

today i skated only 500m....cause 1000m was for top 24 and i was not
just 500m...i did ok 37.3 so 0.3 faster than yesterday... i m satified with it...opening still slow 10.5 sec it is my weak point but lap is better 26.7...
anyway best point is that i think i solve my problem for the knee...i stay on my marchese but normally between the blade and the shoes i put small block of 3mm to higher the shoes so it dont touch the ice in the corner...
but last night i was thinking that if i take out 2mm from the front block my heel would be highe rand it should help to flex my legs and put less tension on my knee. normally when we squat in weight lifting training we put block at the back of the shoes to get more flexion. so i just did same concept.... so in training dammm such a big difference....i couldn t imagine that i would feel so much more comfortable on my skate....and bonus no knee pain is amazing.
i don t really got time to adjust to the change yet but i know it is positive...and thansk my knee feel better...
Saturday, January 16, 2010
japan world sprint day 1
so...this morning i wake up early because of jet lag...about 5am i was up and really wanted some at 7am i was the first at breakfast. then i took some rest inmy room and 9am i was in the bus to go to the track.
a little training with david the australian guy...few laps few acceleration...
then 500m race...juhuuu but not really 10.5sec opening for a total 37,5 hum...ok straight line was terrible ^^...
1000m was better except the opening 17sec70 come on...what is this??? but then 26,8 and 28,0 i get up few place in the ranking....
since i m here i m back on my marchese cause my knee was better and i like the push in this shoes...but after 2days i m already ahving so much pain in my knee ... i know it is coming from this shoes but i don t know how it is possible. it would be so great if it work without knee pain...
but ok i deal with it it is not the worth day of my life...tomorow i have a 500m...against david from australia...i start inner lane...
a little training with david the australian guy...few laps few acceleration...
then 500m race...juhuuu but not really 10.5sec opening for a total 37,5 hum...ok straight line was terrible ^^...
1000m was better except the opening 17sec70 come on...what is this??? but then 26,8 and 28,0 i get up few place in the ranking....
since i m here i m back on my marchese cause my knee was better and i like the push in this shoes...but after 2days i m already ahving so much pain in my knee ... i know it is coming from this shoes but i don t know how it is possible. it would be so great if it work without knee pain...
but ok i deal with it it is not the worth day of my life...tomorow i have a 500m...against david from australia...i start inner lane...
Friday, January 15, 2010
japan earthquake and world sprint

since thursday i m in japon...1st time ever for me...nice trip almsot empty plane so i could sleep good and watch 2x mickael jackson movie , this is it...i just love the way he nice so respectfull of the planet and see much talent in one person.
i never felt an earthquake, except when i met sara ^^ , but when i was in plane i was thinking would be strange to feel one....and bingo..1st night in obihiro...earthquake 5.0.....juhuuuu.
anyway, i was lucky that japan had technology in the building for this. i send good luck to people from haiti that got one too but with much more dramatic consequence. i wish them to get full help from the world.
then yesterday i train in hte new track from obihiro...prety good, ice is good. in the afternoon i went to my own drawing...this week end i athlete coach and team leader....full time job for me...colin we all (me and ur skating friends) miss u here
today 500m again jorg dallmann and 1000m against usa
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
if you care about your food...
if you care about what you eat and wanna eat in the future...check this link ...
1000 000 sign in the petition is needed...
1000 000 sign in the petition is needed...
Sunday, January 10, 2010
18th...enought or not enougth
so i finished 18th in the i also finish 18th in the ranking...
not super but may be enought...for OG even if i m not satisfied with it of course
anyway 26th january i will know if i go to the game...
not super but may be enought...for OG even if i m not satisfied with it of course
anyway 26th january i will know if i go to the game...
Saturday, January 09, 2010
1st day..
hum so 500m was nto my best race today....37.68sec damm....what happen? slow start slow lap...
then 5km ....6m50...look pretty bad at begining even if i could keep a flat race between 32.4 and 33 but...then when i see other was not so so bad...
anyway full focus on tomorow 1500m...that is the race i need....
then 5km ....6m50...look pretty bad at begining even if i could keep a flat race between 32.4 and 33 but...then when i see other was not so so bad...
anyway full focus on tomorow 1500m...that is the race i need....
Friday, January 08, 2010
drawing 1st day
european championship start tomorow
last day of training before the european championship all round that start tomorow. all round mean it is the total of 4 distances: 500 5000 1500 100000....
time become point...for exemple 500m 36.6 is 36.6 points... so then the 5000m of 6m30 is 6x60sec+30sec 390sec...then they bring it to a 500m divide by 39points...
after a 500m 36.6 and a 5000m 6m30...points are 36.6+39.0 points....
1500m time is bring in second too and divide by 3
10000m divide by 20...
after 3 distance 500 5000 1500...there is a ranking...and top 12 can race the 10km... little more rules but i don t go now in all details.
top 15 will be qualified for world championship all round end of march in heerenveen.
there are 32 skaters men at this EK european Kampionshap...^^
last year i finished 19th at the world all round.
french team: alexis an tristan
time become point...for exemple 500m 36.6 is 36.6 points... so then the 5000m of 6m30 is 6x60sec+30sec 390sec...then they bring it to a 500m divide by 39points...
after a 500m 36.6 and a 5000m 6m30...points are 36.6+39.0 points....
1500m time is bring in second too and divide by 3
10000m divide by 20...
after 3 distance 500 5000 1500...there is a ranking...and top 12 can race the 10km... little more rules but i don t go now in all details.
top 15 will be qualified for world championship all round end of march in heerenveen.
there are 32 skaters men at this EK european Kampionshap...^^
last year i finished 19th at the world all round.
french team: alexis an tristan
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
in few day
Monday, January 04, 2010
still all fine in hamar....alexis is arrived here too so we skate together this morning at 11h.
8min, 2 acceleration 200m, 2x 500m, 8 min....
thinking a lot of my technic...trying to keep pressure longer in the straight...
then i eat at the hotel with catherine grage and some other skaters...and i slept for 1h
it is still super cold here -14c and snow all over the place so it is pretty nice...
Saturday, January 02, 2010
in hamar
now i m in hamar. top weather cold and sunny...
ice is very good and i cold enjoy it longer than normal cause my knee feel better. all last week yves worked on this knee and it is serious progress. i can flex my rigth leg much more now. almost normal.
as usual i stay in scandic hotel...this week end is the norvegian championship sprint...
ice is very good and i cold enjoy it longer than normal cause my knee feel better. all last week yves worked on this knee and it is serious progress. i can flex my rigth leg much more now. almost normal.
as usual i stay in scandic hotel...this week end is the norvegian championship sprint...
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